@article{oai:keisen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000677, author = {水永, 武光 and 大屋, 理恵 and 滝本 , 桂子 and 村上, 睦朗 and MIZUNAGA, Takemitsu and MURAKAMI, Mutsuro and OYA, Rie and TAKIMOTO, Keiko}, journal = {研究紀要 : 恵泉女学園短期大学園芸生活学科, Research Bulletin : Published by Dept. Horticulture, Keisen Junior College}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), In order to obtain more information about the bluing effect of co-pigments on anthocyanins, we studied combinations which brought about the color changes in various red to red-purple flower petals. Extracts of these petals, which contain typical anthocyanins such as pelargonin, cyanin, peonin, delphin, petunin, and malvin, were mixed with extracts from various white flower petals. As a result, a bluing effect was observed when the extract of red purple Iris ensata Thunb was mixed with an extract from a white pansy. The extract of white pansy was fractionated by polyamide C-100 chromatography and almost all of the bluing activity was eluted by 0.3N~1.1N hydrochrolic acid. This fraction shifted the maximum absorption spectrum of the extract of red-purple Iris ensata Thunb (λ max=533nm) to 561 nm and 630 nm just after the mixing, and to 581 nm and 630 after a one day incubation.}, pages = {29--33}, title = {白色パンジー花抽出液は赤紫色ハナショウブ花抽出液を青色化する}, volume = {31}, year = {2000}, yomi = {ミズナガ, タケミツ and オオヤ, リエ and タキモト, ケイコ and ムラカミ, ムツロウ} }