@article{oai:keisen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000623, author = {片倉, 芳雄 and 横溝, 久 and KATAKURA,, Yoshio and YOKOMIZO,, Hisashi}, journal = {研究紀要 : 恵泉女学園短期大学園芸生活学科, Research Bulletin : Published by Dept. Horticulture, Keisen Junior College}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), Glutamine synthetase activities in leaves and roots of blueberry were determined in relation to ammonium assimilation. SBS-PAGE analysis of soluble protein was also carried out. There was a little difference between in vitro and in vivo GS activities in blueberry leaves, while apple leaf GS activity was higher in in vitro than in in vivo. In vivo GS activities in leaves of blueberry and satsuma mandarin were higher in tris-HC 1 buffer than in phosphate buffer. In vivo GS activity was higher at near pH7. In vivo and in vitro GS activities in leaves and roots of blueberry were lower than those of apple. In vivo and in vitro GS activities in leaves and roots of apple were increased by addition of ATP, while those of blueberry tended to be decreased. In vivo GS activity in blueberry leaves was decreased by addition of glutamic acid from 0 to 25 mM. Leaf and root proteins analyzed by SDS-PAGE were less in blueberry than in apple. These trees had more bands in leaves than in roots. Protein bands of blueberry and apple leaves were influenced by N forms supplied.}, pages = {1--7}, title = {ブルーベリーのグルタミン合成酵素活性と可溶性タンパクのSDS-ポリアクリルアミドゲル電気泳動}, volume = {25}, year = {1992}, yomi = {カタクラ, ヨシオ and ヨコミゾ, ヒサシ} }