@article{oai:keisen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000478, author = {有馬, 弥子 and アリマ, ヒロコ and ARIMA, Hiroko}, journal = {恵泉女学園大学人文学部紀要, Keisen University Bulletin}, month = {Jan}, note = {P(論文), Between the Lines, written by a group of Asian-American lesbians and published in 1987, is one of the most significant pioneer works of a collection of writings by Asian-American lesbians. By examining its significance as a pioneer work and by discerning the relevance of its content to the present conditions of Asian-American lesbians, researchers gain deeper insight into several major current issues such as homosexuality and feminism. Beginning with a reference to sexual minority in the U. S. A. in general, and with the presentation of statistics concerning the ratio of Asians and homosexuals, this paper focuses on the conditions of this triply oppressed group - Asian female homosexuals. It emphasizes both the common and conflicting themes between feminism and lesbianism that are one of the main foci in Between the Lines : that is, (1) how conditions of lesbians highlight those of women in general, and (2) the reaction on the part of lesbians not only to the lack of support, but also at times even to homophobic attitudes of feminist camps. To discuss such issues in the particular context of Asian-American lesbianism reveals a new perspective. Finally, the paper concludes with a discussion focusing on a poem that deals with the theme of being an Asian in the U. S. A., appealing to the keen sensitivity of researchers about the struggles of multiply oppressed minorities.}, pages = {97--116}, title = {アジア系アメリカン・レズビアンによる作品の萌芽と現在の課題 : 『境界線のはざまで』(Between the Lines)を中心に}, volume = {14}, year = {2002} }