@article{oai:keisen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000417, author = {川島, 堅二 and カワシマ, ケンジ and KAWASHIMA, Kenji}, journal = {恵泉女学園大学人文学部紀要, Keisen University Bulletin}, month = {Jan}, note = {P(論文), 敬虔主義の影響により,シュライアーマッハーの『キリスト教信仰論』には,主観的感情の強調が見られる。しかし同時に,その感情は単なる主観性ではなく,間主観性(相互主観性)を前提にした内容が,特に宗教の本質を規定する序論において展開されており,その点こそ彼の宗教思想の独創性であると思われる。本稿では,この点を,シュライアーマッハーの弁証法講義との関連で明らかにする。そのために先ず,6回に渡る同講義テキストの問題を検討し,特に『キリスト教信仰論』初版と同年になされた1822年講義を中心に,「直接的自己意識(=感情)」論を考察し,同講義が『キリスト教信仰論』の基礎論になり得ることを示唆してみたい。, As for having taken the influence of Pietism, Schleiermachers' thought is shown everywhere in his "Christian Faith". For example, the emphasis of the subjective emotion. But, the "Moment", where not only the subjectivity but intersubjectivity are contained, is also presented again and again in it. That the relations with others are contained in the emotion cannot be explained from only a side of ""Christian Faith"". But one can understand it well when Schleiermachers Dialectic Lectures are examined at the same time. In this thesis, the problem of Dialectic Lectures texts is examined first, because Schleiermacher has not published a definitive edition of Dialectic Lectures and I'll show that the important lectures were made in the years 1811, 1814 / 15 and 1822. Then, I argue about their relations with the "Christian Faith", especially with a concept of "Gefuehl" and its intersubjectivity with describing those internal relations and developments.}, pages = {3--21}, title = {シュライアーマッハーの弁証法講義について : 特に『キリスト教信仰論』の基礎論として}, volume = {12}, year = {2000} }