@article{oai:keisen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000382, author = {藤田, 智 and FUJITA, Satoshi}, journal = {研究紀要, Research Bulletin}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 今や日本の農業・園芸教育は大きな転換期の時代にあるといえよう.職業教育・専門教育という本来の農業・園芸教育の使命だけではなく,農業・園芸自体がもつ教育力が注目され,普通教育,特に総合学習の教材に農業・園芸を積極的に取り入れようとする例が多くなった(森山,1997).20世紀のゆきすぎた工業的物質文明への反省として,自然,農業,園芸そのものや農業・園芸教育が見つめ直され,まさに農業をモデルとした教育(岩浅,1979)が注目されているのである.しかし,一方で農業後継者不足や食糧自給率の低下など,日本農業の未来に危機感を抱くような深刻な問題が提起されているのも事実である.例えば,わが国の代表的な農業県,岩手県における新規就農者数は,1980年には451人であったのに対し,5年後の1985年には232人と半減し,1990年以降は70人前後の低い数値で推移している(岩手県農政部,1998).その結果,1990年と2000年の年齢別基幹的農業従事者数を比較すると,60歳以上の層では,1990年が47808人,2000年が47734人とほぼ同程度であったが,15~39歳の層では,1990年が10546人に対し,2000年では2003人とほぼ1/5に減少し,将来の農業を担う若い農業後継者の不足が危機的状況にあることが示唆されている.2005年には849人と予測され,10市町村では40歳未満の基幹的農業従事者がいなくなると予想されているのが現状である.このような状況の中で,1996年,農水省はUターン就農や農業以外の新規参入者の就農促進を目的としたIJUターン就農促進対策事業・就農準備校を開設した.恵泉女学園園芸短期大学も就農準備校に参加し,神奈川教室として,「就農を目指す社会人受講生」を受け入れてきた.本報告は,大学農場における社会人教育の一事例としての就農準備校の概要と現状,その教育的意義・効果ならびに今後の課題等について,1996年から2000年の5年間の実施例に基づいて論議を行ったものである., In the five years from 1996 through 2000, a farming preparatory school was held at the farm of Keisen College of Horticulture, as part of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries'IJU-turn program to promote farm work. During this time, a total of more than 340 working adults, mostly people employed in cities, participated in the program. As a result of our college farm opening a farm preparatory school, the author gained the following understanding and appreciation of the educational significance and effects of a college farm focused mainly on adult education. 1. Over the 5 years, the number of applicants was about 1.3 times that of the number of places, indicating the high level of latent interest among working people in farming and horticulture. This reflects the so-called post-retirement ""back-to-the-land"" boom. 2. In short-term courses such as at our farming preparatory school, vegetables with which the entire process, from preparing the fields and sowing seeds to harvest and shipment, can be experienced in about 30days are effective teaching materials. 3. The educational effect of practical instruction differs according to the type of teaching material and level of farming experience of students. Thus, investigations into more efficient teaching methods are needed. 4. The extremely motivated attitude of adult students to the lectures and practical training was a positive stimulus for the regular students and faculty at our college, which led to invigoration of our school's farming education. 5. The practical training, through mutual cooperation in the physical labor among the students, awakened a sense of camaraderie that extended beyond age and type of occupation, and a network for farming employment was created. 6. During these five years, seven of the students actually took up farming work, and more than 50% desired such work. The number of farmers may therefore increase in the future. However, problems such as the instability of the life, difficulty in finding farm laborers, and insufficiently developed farming skills were found to be barriers to taking up farming.}, pages = {15--21}, title = {大学農場における社会人教育の意義(第1報)就農準備校について}, volume = {34}, year = {2003}, yomi = {フジタ, サトシ} }