@article{oai:keisen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000253, author = {HONES,, Sheila and HONES,, Sheila}, journal = {恵泉女学園大学人文学部紀要, Keisen Jogakuen College Bulletin}, month = {Jan}, note = {P(論文), This paper is concerned with the ways in which geo-spatial imagery functions in the presentation of modern physics to the general reader. Focusing on metaphorical descriptions of the experiences of both specialists and non-specialists in approaching the subject, it points to a disjunction between the images commonly used within works of popular physics and those used in their promotion. While positive images of journey and exploration characterize the advertising of books about physics aimed at the general reader, negative images of disruption and placelessness are more characteristic within them. The paper suggests that this disjunction reflects and exacerbates a general confusion about the relative 'reality' of the subject matter of modern physics, and it considers in what ways this confusion can be traced to problems of language inherent in the informal discussion of a study of abstract phenomena for which the primary language is mathematical.}, pages = {156--133}, title = {GEO-SPATIAL IMAGERY AMD POPULAR PHYSICS}, volume = {3}, year = {1991} }